Welcome! + BEFORE WE BEGIN Assignment


  1. Keep all comments (and replies to comments) kind, respectful, and supportive

  2. Do not offer unsolicited advice (solicited is ok!)

  3. Keep everything shared in the community forum inside our container. Please do not share anything outside our container without clear consent

Heads up! You will get emails in your inbox when people have replied to your comment (or added a new comment to the topic).

BEFORE WE BEGIN Assignment: Set up your community forum “account” by posting your first comment!

1) Introduce yourself in whatever ways you’d like to be known

2) Answer the following question: What calls you here?

Press POST COMMENT which will invite you to add your name and email before submitting.

After your first comment, this forum should recognize you automatically, but you may have to add your name / email again sometimes. Feel free to read posts to get to know your fellows and post encouraging replies as you feel inspired!