Tuesdays, November 10-December 1
5-6pm PT on Zoom
*No matter the outcome of our upcoming election, I am committed to helping us change the things we can. We have the power to shift ourselves into our strengths for a new time, from the inside out, regardless. What more fun and rich way to do this than drumming and what better time than now!
This is a 4-week class series with sessions that build upon each other. You are encouraged to take the series in its entirety, but accommodations can be made if you need to miss a class. This is for beginning and intermediate level hand drummers. Includes weekly 1-hour sessions with a live teaching atmosphere and follow-up videos to practice along with after each class. Below, find out everything you need to know about how these virtual sessions will work!
THIS CLASS IS WELCOMING OF ALL, including people who identify as Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, POC, and more.